St Saviour’s Choir
Can you sing? Did you used to sing in a choir?
Would you like to sing in a choir?
Thinking about joining the choir at St Saviour’s?
Music is at the heart of our worship here at St Saviour's and our choir is at the heart of our music.
We usually sing one of a range of congregational settings that everyone can join in with. Most Sundays we sing an anthem during communion – anything from Gregorian Chant and Byrd to Mozart, Stanford and Rutter… and a few others besides.
The choir rehearses from 6pm on Friday evenings for about an hour and a half and again on Sunday morning at 10am before the 10.30 Mass.
Joining the choir is a great way to get to know people at St Saviour’s and we’re always looking for new people to swell our numbers. We are sure that you would enjoy it if you joined us.
If you would like to get involved with the choir, then come along on Friday evening or get hold of Paul Collins our Director of Music on 01323 647969, or one of the choir over a coffee after Mass.
Don’t be shy, give us a try!