Pilgrimage to Turkey June 2014 Click thumbnail to enlarge

Our first evening in Istanbul, a breathtaking city - far too much to see in a day!

The Blue Mosque, a landmark in the skyline of Istanbul.

Amazing Frescoes in the Church/Basilica of St Saviour at Chora .

One of the many very fine, amazing Byzantine mosaics in this place of worship.

Our visit to Troy was brief and interesting, in that we discovered that there had been nine Troys and the one with which we are familiar was number seven.

An impromptu delivery of the first and last chapter of St mark's Gospel by Fr Chris in the seats of the Theatre at Pergamum - our first of the seven churches of Asia.

Another of the Churches of Asia

There was not much left to see here, a few details and home to several generations of tortoise.

Sardis was home to our next Church of Asia, but it had a remarkable restoration of the gymnasium.

Here was obviously a Christian merchant selling his wares.

This Church in Philadelphia - the next on our list was a place of ecumenical worship - Polytheos.

This huge and almost intact theatre at Pamukkale is the largest and best preserved example of its type.