Worship at St Saviour’s
We are now open again to the public for private prayer and daily worship.
The Divine Office is said twice daily and a daily Mass is held each week-day morning. On Sundays there is both a Mass (said) at 09.00am and Solemn Mass with music at 10.30am. There is also regular Evensong every Sunday.
Our worship is all live-streamed to our Facebook page, and our You Tube channel. See the Mass and Daily Prayer tab on the Home page for details) or follow this link for Mass times.
Act of Spiritual Communion >>
The Divine Office
The expression The Divine Office signifies etymologically a duty accomplished for God;
in virtue of a Divine precept it means, in ecclesiastical language, certain prayers to be recited at fixed hours of the day or night by priests, religious, or clerics, and, in general, by all those obliged by their vocation to fulfil this duty.
The Divine Office comprises only the recitation of certain prayers in the Breviary, and does not include the Mass and other liturgical ceremonies.
Solemn Mass
The term Solemn Mass is used within Anglo-Catholicism to describe the ceremonial, and sometimes the text of the main service, based the Sarum Rite or the later Tridentine Mass.
The Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, commonly referred to as Benediction is a custom in our church. It is ordinarily an afternoon or evening devotion and consists in the singing of certain hymns, or litanies, or canticles, before the Blessed Sacrament, which is exposed upon the altar in a monstrance and is surrounded with candles. At the end, the priest or deacon, his shoulders enveloped in a humeral veil, takes the monstrance into his hands and with it makes the sign of the cross in silence over the kneeling congregation. Benediction is often employed as a conclusion to other services, but it is also still more generally a rite complete in itself.